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reference frame 參考系;坐標系統;(電子計算機的)計算系統。

reference gauge

The block matching algorithm ( bma ) is used as a motion estimation method for most of the video coding systems . its goal is to find a block that is most similar to a current block within a pre - defined search area in a reference frame 視頻序列圖像在時間和空間上有很強的相關性,兩幀之間,只有少數部分有大的運動,而且有相當一部分是沒有運動的,如固定背景,利用塊運動估計和運動補償技術可以有效地去除圖像幀間冗余,實現高效壓縮比。

We select a frame as the reference frame , construct the panoramic background . after get this background , we use every aligned frame compare with this panoramic background , so can detect which area is moving in this frame , although its not very accurate 運動目標分割要把運動目標所在的區域從背景中分割出來,就需要在每一幀圖像實現空間分割,即把彩色圖像分割成具有色彩一致性的區域,其中運動目標就是這樣一些色彩一致性區域的集合。

This work can be summarized as follows : 1 ) we define several reference frames , including earth reference frame , radar reference frame , target reference frame . then , we give the conversion relationships on the basis of introducing the model of the conversion model 本文的主要工作如下: ( 1 )完成了在仿真系統中用到的雷達視線坐標系、速度坐標系和目標坐標系的定義,在介紹坐標系轉換模型的基礎上給出了各個坐標系之間的轉換關系式。

Abstract : the conception of the perspective reference frame is expounded , and many graph examples of quantitative information under the perspective coordinate netting are enumerated to further enrich and improve the expressive capacity of graph visualization of special map 文摘:該文闡述了透視坐標系的概念,列舉了多種透視坐標網中量化信息的圖解實例,力求進一步豐富和提高專題地圖圖形可視化的表現能力。

In this paper , starting from the definition of kinetic energy , and by establishing the inertial frame and the reference frame , we have a discussion of the kinetic energy of rigid body and get some conclusions on kinetic energy of rigid body simply in rotation 在建立慣性坐標系和運動坐標系的基礎上,以動能的定義式為出發點,對剛體的動能進行剖析,并討論了剛體純滾動情況下的動能,得到了相關的結論。

Based on the two postulates that the speed of light is constant and the laws of physics apply equally to all inertial reference frames , the theory predicts strange effects such as time dilation , length contraction and simultaneity of events varies according to viewers 基于兩個論點,即光速不變及物理定律可應用于任何慣性系統,狹義相對論預測了時間變慢長度收縮及同時事件是因觀察者而異等奇怪現象。

Every subsystem through input and output interface composes of an interactional organism , and was joint together to simulate the systems , it has provided reference frames for the control system design 各個子系統間通過輸入輸出接口而構成一個相互作用的有機整體,并把他們結合起來對系統的動態特性哈爾濱工程大學博士學位論文進行了綜合仿真研究,為控制系統的設計提供了一定的參考依據。

The central contents in this paper is : first , the reference frame is defined and the movement equation and the transfer function of the body are proposed in portrait plane . so the module of the center of mass stabilization loop is proposed 本文研究的主要內容是:第一,定義了坐標系,并在導彈的縱向平面內推導了彈體的運動方程和傳遞函數,確定了質心穩定回路的模型。

Besides region planning information , ther reference frame are as same as urban base information . on every key scale , the information are well expressed . therefore , we can simply amalgamating the data . iv . urban planning information have time state 考慮城市規劃編制迭代的過程,城市規劃數據具有時態屬性,為此必須建立元數據庫,實現版本控制和城市規劃歷史數據跟蹤。

Secondly , the theory of reference frame transformations is applied to transform the dynamic mathematical model to a d - q - 0 rotating reference frame system , and the dynamic performance of the bdfm is simulated by the computer 其次,應用坐標變換原理將籠型轉子無刷雙饋電機的動態數學模型轉換成d ? q ? 0坐標下的數學模型,并對這種電機進行了動態特性仿真研究。

It will benefit to establish basic reference frame , to reveal space - time dynamic characteristiss , to accomplish scale change and assessment human factors and to direct regional ecological restoration on landscape scale 在景觀尺度上,有利于確立區域生態安全與評價研究中的基本參照系、揭示時空動態特征、進行尺度轉換和人文因素評價、指導生態恢復。

The mathematical model of each element of a stand - alone wecs including wind turbine , permanent magnet generator , rectifier , storage battery and pwm inverter is developed in the d - q rotor reference frame in chapter 3 第三章在d - q坐標軸中,建立獨立風能轉換系統中各組成部分:包括風力機、發電機、整流器、蓄電池和逆變器的數學模型。

Opengl is an implement of 3d graphic exploiture , here we describe its structure of program , base geometry element , transform of reference frame and illumination . the projection use visual c + + to exploiture Opengl是一種三維圖形開發工具,在論文中,介紹了opengl的程序結構、基本幾何元素、坐標變換和光照處理等基本內容。

In this scheme , the torque of motor is calculated and controlled in the staler reference frame . by using stator field orientation , the optimum switching mode is achieved to control the inverter 它直接在定子坐標系下計算和控制交流電動機的轉矩,采用定子磁場定向控制,直接對逆變器的開關狀態進行最佳控制。

My paper introduces reference frame of bistatic doppler weather radar , basic geometry connection and the equation of bistatic doppler radar from the theory of bistatic doppler weather radar 本文從雙基地多普勒天氣雷達系統的原理出發,介紹了雙基地多普勒天氣雷達的坐標系、基本幾何關系、雙基地雷達方程。

Bistatic wind fields synthesis equations are analysed and i educes target location equation in receiver including conversion from ground reference frame to one defined by us 分析了雙基地雷達風場合成公式,推導了雙基地雷達中目標在子站中的定位方程,其中涉及到從大地坐標系到本課題所定義的坐標系的轉換。

The reconstituted clays represent the soil intrinsic properties independent of the natural state , and provide a reference frame which can be used to evaluate the properties of in - situ sedimentation clays 重塑土反映了土體與自然狀態無關的“固有特性” ,它提供了一個評估原位自然沉積粘土特性的參考構架。

The reconstituted clays represent the soil intrinsic properties independent of the natural state , and provide a reference frame being used to evaluating the properties of in - situ sedimentation clays 重塑土反映了土體與自然狀態無關的“固有特性” ,它提供了一個評估原位自然沉積粘土特性的參考構架。

By means of vector analysis , dymazttic model of sssc is deduced in dq orthogonal co - ordinate within synchronously rotating reference frame , and dynamic characteristics is invcstigatcd 采用矢量分析方法,推導了基于同步旋轉坐標系的sssc的動態數學模型,并在此基礎上研究了sssc控制潮流的動態特性。